Wow. There's a lot to say about these fantastic vases my fifth graders worked on for quite a while. There were times I seriously didn't think we'd make it to the finish line, but we did and I'm super proud of them!
Some were a bit crooked after drying, but this resourceful fifth grader decided it looked more like a water pitcher so she ditched the second handle.
I love it.
Some were worried about their vase being lopsided or lumpy and bumpy but I reminded them the vase was to be a couple thousand year old replica so it was all good!
It was a mess let me tell ya. To paper mache and clean up in 50 minutes was a race....
..and when one class didn't finish and the room temp overnight caused several balloons to deflate many had to start over.
But we did it!
Now Mrs. Cline is searching for even more paper mache ideas, so bring on the gloopy glop!!