Check out grade level links to the left to see what your child has been working on. Look for those projects coming home soon! I am so excited to begin my Ancient Egyptian theme here at Eagle View! Every year I choose a theme to be taught school wide from kindergarten to fifth. It allows us to explore art concepts, world cultures and historic periods more in depth instead of just grazing the surface with each artwork we do. Little did I know when I planned for Egypt back in the summer that it would be such perfect timing! The King Tut Exhibit just arrived at the Minnesota Science Museum in St. Paul only a few weeks ago and will be here until September 5! What a once in a lifetime experience to go see Tut's treasures from 3,000 years ago!
Ancient Egypt Rocks!

More importantly we will learn how art today has been influenced by an ancient civilization from long ago.

{Most slides above were viewed during class}
So far, since beginning our Ancient Egyptian Unit, 51!! Eagle View students have visited the exhibition! I hope that number will reach 50 or more by the end of this school year! Kinders through fifth for the next two months will be learning about the Nile River, Howard Carter's discovery of King Tut's tomb, the Great Pyramids of Giza, the mummies, the Pharaohs and much more. By the time we're finished we will know what they ate, what they wore, how they worked, and even what kinds of games they played!